IN: Kings Charles dog. OUT: Chihuahua
- Pug doggy dog
When you live in the city and your appartment is tiny, it’s hard to keep a dog. That’s why most people get a small one. Unfortunately Paris Hilton killed the idea that small dogs are cute, by taking her nervous chihuahua Tinkerbell everywhere. Also, breeders of chihuahua’s have been going to far, causing the little rats to have all kind of problems with their eyes and ears.
So now that Tinkerbell and friends are out of the way, the way is free for new dogs in town.
Monaco dogs
In Monaco, a place with 30.000 people on 2 square kilometres, it’s easy to tell the trend. Cavalier King Charles dogs and Pug dogs are hot! Appearently, men really like the pug dogs, cause they think he’s funny.
The King Charles is a royal dog, that’s easy going and beautiful. Some of them even have their own facebookpage!
Only downside of having a dog is that you have to walk him at least twice a day (your nanny can do that too), they cost around 1000 euro (but that’s nothing, compared to a new Ferrari) and you have to pick up his shit in the streets (or just go to the ghetto nextdoor and let your dog shit there). Good luck with finding one!