door tessa | 06-08-2012 @ 12:54 | Overig | Comments Off on OUT: Bol de Cafe (Bowl of Coffee)
Italy has taken over the world!! Well, if it comes to coffee. In the old days, the French would drink their coffee in the morning out of a big bowl. The one normal people use for soupe. They would even dip their baguette in it, or some chocolate. But time changes. And so even the most chauvinistic people on the world can change their habite after some marketing.
Nowadays they choose Senseo or Nespresso. Both expensive coffees that come in mini doses. But I’m predicting that won’t last long anymore, bye bye Nespresso, bye bye Senseo.
Bring back the old fashion coffeemachine I say with the big mugs! I need a large splash of coffee in the morning to wake up, not a tiny lousy almost cold expensive marketingdrink.
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The new hairdo for the summer is a tress, otherwise known as a braid. Appearently men find it really sexy, like almost everything that makes us look younger. So braid that hair and go to the beach!
But watch out! Don`t braid your hair like your from some African tribe or a gangsta rapper, that`s not cool at all. Just keep it simple with 1 or 2 braids.
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door tessa | 13-07-2012 @ 15:29 | Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on OUT: Oil & Vinegar spray
We don`t like this!
A few years ago, some companies decided it was cool make everything sprayable. So suddenly we got sunscreen that we can spray, oil for your bike and even oil & vinegar.
But please restaurants, stop thinking it`s cool! The bottles are always dirty, you never get the liquid where you want it to be and it looks cheap. Not like a good oil from Italie, but just a 1 dollar product. I would`t mind if somebody had it at home, but if I`m having dinner in a fancy restaurant, I would like to get quality for my money. So bring back the glass bottles and stop with all the fancy stuff from 10 years ago.
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door tessa | 13-07-2012 @ 14:52 | Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Yellow Ferrari. OUT: Red Ferrari.
Watch the matching shoes!
Because I live in Monaco, I have the chance to see beautiful cars everyday. And I`ve noticed that the red Ferrari is not that popular anymore. Young people with money, who like to drive a Ferrari choose for a yellow or black one. Red already attracts people, but yellow is a real eye-catch. It`s a fun car and everybody dreams of driving in it, but it`s also very flashy. You might as well put a note on your forehead: `Look bitches, I`m rich.` Anyway, just that you know, the red Ferrari is a no-go this year, the banana car is the popular car nowadays.
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door tessa | 11-07-2012 @ 17:39 | Cultuur, Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on OUT: Corona. IN: Cocktail with Advocaat
What was once the most fashionable drink of the summer, is now a drink for losers. Corona beer was once the new guy in town, but unfortunately he got overpriced and cool for old dudes. So if we won`t drink a beer that taste like a Mexican just pissed in it, then what is the new summer drink for 2012?
This year we drink coffee during the day and no alcohol. As driving and drinking are no longer accepted and the temperatures rise, it`s more chic to drink a fresh lemonade, than drinking beer on the beach. In the evening, we still drink coffee! But now with Baileys, Whisky or Khalua. For those who don`t like coffee, there`s allways the option of a hot or cold chocolate, mixed with Baileys.
The classic cocktails are also still doing good, like Mojito or Cosmopolitan. For the ultra-rich there is a new drink in town with icecubes made out of Champaign and Caviar. It`s supposed to be healthy, but I guess that only counts for the owners bank-account.
For the people who think that paying at least 10 euro`s for a cocktail is not normal, we advice to ask for cocktails with Advocaat in it. This old-womans drink is finding its way back to the bar, thanks to Italian restaurants. The eggflavoured drink is smooth, but edgy and doesn`t cost too much.
For people who want to stay home, here are some simple cockails. Always nice to share with your friends while enjoying a nice summer evening.
Hmm, a nice cocktail with Advocaat
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door tessa | 11-07-2012 @ 17:05 | Mode, Overig | Comments Off on IN (London) : Rain boots
While in the south of Europe girls are wondering if they`re gonna wear flipflops or heels outside, the Northern girls are battering the rain. But no worries, even bad weater can create a new fashion item, like the Rain Boots with (wedge) heels. A girlfriend of mine went last week to London and saw them everywhere! Some girls won`t wear them, cause they feel to fashionate for rain boots, but fuck them.
They are fun, easy to walk on and not too expensive. And it`s a great way to put a smile on peoples face, who are depressed by the weather.
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door tessa | 09-07-2012 @ 13:20 | Mode | Comments Off on IN: Blue shirt, white collar and cuffs
It takes men a long time to discover what fashion is, but once they get it, they`re unstoppable. The blue shirt with a white collar AND white cuffs is more popular then ever (in the South of France). Almost every man has one at home and in the streets you can`t walk for five minutes without seeing a guy being proud in his shirt for summer. Good on them, cause it looks quite ok. Better then black T-shirts with your favorite band on it, or lumberjacks:
This is a no-go
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door tessa | 03-07-2012 @ 14:20 | Mode | Comments Off on Summer Fashion: Shoes
So what is the new trend in fashion land for the summer? Loafers! Did we have to walk on Ballet flats last year, with whom you could feel every peddle penetrating your feet, this year the fashion nazi`s want us in shoes even our granddads where ashamed to wear outside the house.
I asked some men about the shoes and they are horrified by them. So I`m sorry girls, no pain, no gain. Men still like to see us on heals or low shoes with straps, so go for shoes more like this:
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door tessa | 03-07-2012 @ 14:03 | Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Fun with food
It`s fun to play with food!! Even better when you see things to do with food, you never thought about. How about making a chocolate dish with a balloon? Or making a spiral hotdog on the barbecue? And even opening a banana can be fun, you just need to know how.
Click on the image to see how you can make a spiral hotdog:
And even opening a banana can be fun, you just need to know how:
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door tessa | 29-06-2012 @ 14:48 | Lifestyle | Comments Off on IN: Boten die zweven
Het wemelt opeens van de boten die lijken te zweven in helder water. Eerst denk je dat het een hoax is en er gephotoshopt is, maar niets is minder waar. Er zijn werkelijk wateren te vinden, die zo helder als de lucht zijn. Ideale promotiefoto`s voor reisorganisaties en erg mooi om naar te kijken.
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