door tessa | 12-06-2015 @ 09:41 | Cultuur | Comments Off on IN: Kunst van Bo Mak

Bo Mak is een kunstenaar uit Belgrado, maar met een Nederlands tintje. Zijn opleiding deed hij aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht. Tegenwoordig woont hij weer in Servië, maar zijn werk is via internet gewoon in ons land te koop.
Bogdan Maksimovic, zoals de kunstenaar eigenlijk heet, staat bekend om zijn oog voor detail. Daarnaast maakt hij afbeeldingen van krachtige vrouwen. Zijn tekeningen staan vaak op zichzelf, maar hij maakt ook comics.
Via Society6 zijn de tekeningen van Bo Mak te koop op tassen, t-shirt en zelfs douchegordijnen.

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Dutch designer Marga Weimans is known for her crazy shoes and daring designs. She has debuted this year at the Amsterdam Fashion Week and is even nominated for a Dutch Fashion Award.
We see great things for Weimans, who could easely dress Lady Gaga, Madonna or Nicki Minaj (as soon as she has found her fashionfeeling again). So artist, don’t hesitate and give this great Dutch designer a chance.
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Evian came this year with funny t-shirts, appearently they were a limited edition, but you can still buy them online.
They are cheaper in America then in Europe, but then shipping is cheaper when you order near your home.
No idea how they came up with the idea of babybody’s on shirts, but it is sure fun! Might order one…
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door tessa | 22-08-2012 @ 15:53 | Beroemdheden, Cultuur, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Dena Lyons is the new hot artist in Monaco

Dena Lyons is an artist you won’t forget easily. Her paintings are as expressive as the American beauty can be herself in the right audiance.
She opened her art exhibiton this month at cafe Quai des Artistes the harbour of Monaco. The paintings are about trees, but even more about feelings. The colours will really get to you when standing in front of the masterpieces.
Before this art project, Dena Lyons was working on portraits, what are quite interesting as well. You can see she got really inspired by the France and Monaco.
The exhibition will travel to America in october and we advice you to see it. She can become the next big thing!
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door tessa | 07-08-2012 @ 12:17 | Lifestyle, Mode, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Olympic Nail art
Allthough some woman atletes look kinda manly, they still are feminin. No makeup, no dresses, so the only thing to distingues yourself is nailpolish!
The Olympic Village has a veritable pop art nail studio perched and the atletes are taking good advantage of that. The sportswomen have a choice of 207 designs, but most are going for the flag that they represent.

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Stickers op de muur zijn meestal een beetje tacky, een beetje kinderachtig. Maar Vinyl Wall Art maakt er een waar kunstwerk van. De prijzen variëren van 33 dollar tot 55 dollar, dus voor 15 euro heb je een mooi versiersel op je muur.
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