Not like this either, Selma Blair!
The new fashion trend amongst celebrities for this summer are shorts. But ofcourse, some artist will never get it right. They walk around in denim so short, you can see the pockets hanging out. It’s ugly and a real trashy look. Or even worse, they wear granny’s old underpants as a fashion item. So not done!
Shorts can look good, as proof celebrities on the red carpet, like Eva Longoria. You just need some good quality shorts, not the once that are torn apart. Put some high heels on and you’re good to go! So bye bye miniskirt and welcome shorts!
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door tessa | 03-07-2012 @ 14:20 | Mode | Comments Off on Summer Fashion: Shoes
So what is the new trend in fashion land for the summer? Loafers! Did we have to walk on Ballet flats last year, with whom you could feel every peddle penetrating your feet, this year the fashion nazi`s want us in shoes even our granddads where ashamed to wear outside the house.
I asked some men about the shoes and they are horrified by them. So I`m sorry girls, no pain, no gain. Men still like to see us on heals or low shoes with straps, so go for shoes more like this:
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Hoge hakken zijn hip als onderwerp op Facebook, waarbij vaders zich zorgen maken over hun dochters. Maar ook elders online vragen mannen mensen zich af hoe hoog hakken maximaal mogen zijn. Want ja, af en toe valt er nog wel eens een modelletje op de catwalk. Voor iedereen die wel op hoge hakken kan paraderen is er een heuse race op hoge hakken in Alkmaar. Wie liever op de bank zit kan de cd Horses en High Heels van Marianne Faithfull opzetten en zo toch aan de trend van hoge hakken meedoen.
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