How do you ensure that your first DJ NRJ awards at the Monaco International Clubbing Show (MICS) gets some extra attention? Simple, you pull open a can of Russian models, throws two paratroopers from 900 meters out of a helicopter and nominate only international names. And it worked! There was lots of press during the opening of the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.
Awards for the Dutch
Tonight the awards for best DJ will be given away and probably some Dutch DJ’s will win.
For the Best International DJ Award are Tiësto, Afrojack (also known for dating Paris Hilton in the past) and Armin van Buuren nominated. The other nominees are the Swedish Azwell and AVICII, Canadian Deadmeu5 and Red Foo of LMFAO.
For International Breakthrough Act of the year the Dutch will certainly drag a prize home. No less than four Dutch are nominated: Nicky Romero, Hardwell, Laidback Luke and Chuckie.
Of course one of them will win, because opponents are Dubsteb (vomit) dj Skrillex, the Austrians Global Deejays (Go skiing) and the Australian sisters Nervo, which of course never heard of anyone on this side of the world.
What is the purpose of the MICS is not entirely clear, it seems primarily a party for and by DJs. This week Martin Solveig, Bob Sinclair, Pharrel Williams and Hardwell will give away shows in the most luxurious clubs in Monaco.
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door tessa | 22-10-2012 @ 15:58 | Overig | Comments Off on IN: Monaco

‘The French Riviera is the place to be in the summer. Lots of famous people enjoy parties in Cannes, St. Tropez or… Monaco. It is the place to be for the rich and famous.
Allthough it is not cheap to live in Monte Carlo (apartments are sold for a minimum of 50.000 euro per m2) or to go out (a small beer will cost you at least 7,50 euro). It is a great place to visit. You have the harbour, casino, principal palace, exotic garden, the beach and many more places in the country that measures only 2km2.
At night lots of people visit the Buddha Bar, Sas bar (watch out for the hookers), Stars&Bars, Before, Rascasse (only when it’s late and you’re drunk) or the famous disco Jimmy’z.
So don’t hesitate and take a plane to the place to be. Closest airport is Nice, from where you can take a taxi (100euro), helicopter (40 euro), bus (20 euro) or bus and train (7,50 euro). Or just rent a car or boat to get here.
Do you need somebody to plan your perfect holiday here in style? Just contact me and I will see what I can do for you.
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door tessa | 18-10-2012 @ 18:38 | Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on OUT: Trying to make money with yacht charter

“You will never make money with a boat”
By Tessa Heerschop
To buy a yacht is a dream for many people, but what most don`t know is that the costs of owning a ship are mostly more then the value of the vessel. Therefore, many boatowners chose to charter. But even then, it stays an expensive hobby.
Luxury yachts
Charter companies for luxury yachts can be found in every harbor around the Cote d`Azur. But can you really make money by owning a ship and renting it out? Simon Louis, who works for the shipbroker MarcPajot.com doesn`t think so: «As a private owner, you will never make money with a yacht».
1,5 million euro
In the Port Canto of Cannes Simon Louis tries to sell 25.5 meter long yacht during the Cannes Croissette Show. «I don`t know exactly what the owners payed when they bought it in 2003, but we try to sell it now for 1,5 million Euro. I guess a new yacht like this would cost you around 3 million euro`s. But don`t assume that when you`ve bought it, you`re done with paying. You pay as much on maintenance as on the price of the ship.»
To navigate a ship above 20 meters, you need to have a license. To charter it, you even need a professional skipper. The yacht that Simon sells has a staff of three fulltime employees. «The owner choose for a French Skipper. He then choses the rest of the staff, who are French as too. They get paid normal wages». He specifies that they get a normal salary, because lot`s of owners choose now for Filipino workers. As long as the foreign workers sleep on board and don` t leave the harbor, they are considered professional sailors. Therefore they don`t require a visa for France and are paid by the standards of the International Maritime Organization. What is a lousy 300 Euro`s a month. But even then, with three people on board, it would cost you 900 Euro`s a month for staff only.
The riviera coast is not the cheapest place to put your yacht. The price to buy a place in the harbor of Antibes is at minimum 150.000 Euro for a boat of 25 meters. Then there are the costs of insurance and taxes. «When you have guests on board, the price of insurance is ridiculously high», Simon says while walking around on the white sundeck of the yacht. «If you don`t have guests on board and you want to go yourself for a trip, then keep in mind that the two engines absorb 410 liters of fuel an hour. So it`s definitely not cheap to go for a tour with this kind of ship».
Next to insurance, taxes and staff, the ship also has a lot of maintenance. Every four years it has to go to out of the water on a dock. «A yacht that`s around ten years old begins to show signs of aging. So the engines need extra care and you might consider a new interior as well».
Making money
The only way to make money is to charter your yacht. For 5000 Euro, without the costs of food and fuel, 9 people can spend the day on this luxurious vessel. It`s rented out 3 months a year, so the owners get around 150.000 Euro`s a year. The yacht is 9 years old, wich means they made around 1,35 million Euro, while the value of the yacht dropt 1,5 million Euro`s in the same time and has a lot of extra costs. «Owning a boat is a dream and that`s why people buy one. If you want to make money, you`re better of investing in bricks. Cause a boat will only cost you and never makes money for private owners», concludes Simon.
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door tessa | 19-09-2012 @ 17:30 | Overig | Comments Off on IN: Monaco Yacht Show

So you wanna have some fun and you don’t know what to do with those millions of euro’s on you bank account? Then why not visit the Monaco Yacht Show? With more then a 100 superyachts, going up to 90 meters, there is a boat for everyone.
Haha, no seriously, even when you can’t afford a yacht, it’s a nice visit. A bit expensive, the entree alone is 70 euro’s. And the hotels in Monaco aren’t cheap either. But it’s wonderfull to see so many boats together. It’s to amaze yourself what money can buy.
Have Fun!
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door tessa | 06-08-2012 @ 16:11 | Overig | Comments Off on IN: Kings Charles dog. OUT: Chihuahua
hen was the last time we saw tinkerbell?
When you live in the city and your appartment is tiny, it’s hard to keep a dog. That’s why most people get a small one. Unfortunately Paris Hilton killed the idea that small dogs are cute, by taking her nervous chihuahua Tinkerbell everywhere. Also, breeders of chihuahua’s have been going to far, causing the little rats to have all kind of problems with their eyes and ears.
So now that Tinkerbell and friends are out of the way, the way is free for new dogs in town.
Monaco dogs
In Monaco, a place with 30.000 people on 2 square kilometres, it’s easy to tell the trend. Cavalier King Charles dogs and Pug dogs are hot! Appearently, men really like the pug dogs, cause they think he’s funny.
The King Charles is a royal dog, that’s easy going and beautiful. Some of them even have their own facebookpage!
Only downside of having a dog is that you have to walk him at least twice a day (your nanny can do that too), they cost around 1000 euro (but that’s nothing, compared to a new Ferrari) and you have to pick up his shit in the streets (or just go to the ghetto nextdoor and let your dog shit there). Good luck with finding one!
What`s hot, What`s not on Facebook!!
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door tessa | 13-07-2012 @ 15:29 | Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on OUT: Oil & Vinegar spray

We don`t like this!
A few years ago, some companies decided it was cool make everything sprayable. So suddenly we got sunscreen that we can spray, oil for your bike and even oil & vinegar.
But please restaurants, stop thinking it`s cool! The bottles are always dirty, you never get the liquid where you want it to be and it looks cheap. Not like a good oil from Italie, but just a 1 dollar product. I would`t mind if somebody had it at home, but if I`m having dinner in a fancy restaurant, I would like to get quality for my money. So bring back the glass bottles and stop with all the fancy stuff from 10 years ago.
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door tessa | 13-07-2012 @ 14:52 | Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Yellow Ferrari. OUT: Red Ferrari.

Watch the matching shoes!

Because I live in Monaco, I have the chance to see beautiful cars everyday. And I`ve noticed that the red Ferrari is not that popular anymore. Young people with money, who like to drive a Ferrari choose for a yellow or black one. Red already attracts people, but yellow is a real eye-catch. It`s a fun car and everybody dreams of driving in it, but it`s also very flashy. You might as well put a note on your forehead: `Look bitches, I`m rich.` Anyway, just that you know, the red Ferrari is a no-go this year, the banana car is the popular car nowadays.
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door tessa | 11-07-2012 @ 17:39 | Cultuur, Lifestyle, Overig | Comments Off on OUT: Corona. IN: Cocktail with Advocaat

What was once the most fashionable drink of the summer, is now a drink for losers. Corona beer was once the new guy in town, but unfortunately he got overpriced and cool for old dudes. So if we won`t drink a beer that taste like a Mexican just pissed in it, then what is the new summer drink for 2012?
This year we drink coffee during the day and no alcohol. As driving and drinking are no longer accepted and the temperatures rise, it`s more chic to drink a fresh lemonade, than drinking beer on the beach. In the evening, we still drink coffee! But now with Baileys, Whisky or Khalua. For those who don`t like coffee, there`s allways the option of a hot or cold chocolate, mixed with Baileys.
The classic cocktails are also still doing good, like Mojito or Cosmopolitan. For the ultra-rich there is a new drink in town with icecubes made out of Champaign and Caviar. It`s supposed to be healthy, but I guess that only counts for the owners bank-account.
For the people who think that paying at least 10 euro`s for a cocktail is not normal, we advice to ask for cocktails with Advocaat in it. This old-womans drink is finding its way back to the bar, thanks to Italian restaurants. The eggflavoured drink is smooth, but edgy and doesn`t cost too much.
For people who want to stay home, here are some simple cockails. Always nice to share with your friends while enjoying a nice summer evening.
Hmm, a nice cocktail with Advocaat
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Van de ghetto naar Monaco
Begin juni verhuisde ik vanuit de ghetto in Utrecht naar een appartement in Monaco. Van vrijgezelle journalist naar trophy wife in adellijke kringen is een behoorlijke overgang. Gelukkig zijn er genoeg ex-importbruiden hier die genoeg tijd hebben om mij in te burgeren.
«Ah, wat lief. Je lijdt aan het Monaco syndroom!», kirt Patricia. Ik kijk haar verbaasd aan, terwijl ik zuinig nip van mijn 5 euro kostende koffie. «Je kleedt je extreem netjes en posh. Dat doen alle mensen hier als ze net aankomen. Na een tijdje ben je het helemaal zat en sla je door naar de andere kant, opeens ga je als sloeber gekleed over straat», zegt ze terwijl ze me van top tot teen keurt. «Wees niet bang, daarna volgt de fase waarin je een eigen stijl ontdekt. Pas dan hoor je er echt bij.» Patricia weet waar ze het over heeft, ze woont al zes jaar in dit sprookjesland van de Grand Prix en het Circus van Monte Carlo. Ze kwam hier ooit met haar ex naartoe, een slimme nerd die rijk werd met websites en winkelketens. Hij verliet haar voor een jong ding, toen ze de dertig passeerde.
Juiste Kringen
Mijn eigen verloofde is bang dat mijn nieuwe vriendin een slechte invloed op me heeft. «Ik wil niet dat je met van die golddiggers omgaat. Het is heel belangrijk dat je in de juiste kringen verkeert», zegt hij me keer op keer. Een kennis heeft me echter al ingefluisterd dat de moeder van Patricia ook in Monaco woont en van adel is. Mijn mannetje hoeft dus niet bang te zijn dat ik rondgeleid wordt door een nouveau riche. Of zoals hij het verwoordt: «Bah, wat een plebs»
«Naarmate je meer mensen leert kennen, de gekker de verhalen worden. Iedereen is echt belachelijk rijk», vervolgt Patricia haar speedcursus How-to-become-a-Monegask. «Mijn ex had twee kinderen uit een vorig huwelijk en natuurlijk gingen die naar een prive school. Een vriendje van zijn zoon leefde in een hotelkamer. Hij ging met een chauffeur naar school en voedde zich met roomservice. Dit omdat pa en ma constant op vakantie waren en hem niet alleen thuis achter durfden te laten.» Dat is beter dan je puber op straat scooters laten stelen, zoals bij mij in de buurt de gewoonte was, denk ik bij mezelf.
«Een ander jongetje op school werd 16 en kreeg een Ferrari voor z`n verjaardag. Net als in Nederland, mag je hier pas vanaf je 18de rijden. Maar dat maakte niets uit. Hij reed gewoon rondjes zonder rijbewijs in het prinsendom. Niemand die dat raar vond.» Terwijl ze nonchalant het verhaal vertelt, kijkt ze over mijn schouder gebiologeerd naar een vrouw schuin achter me. Ik draai me om en zie een soort van levende pop, maar dan wel eentje van 60 jaar oud. Met hakken van 15 centimeter en zwart suikerspinnenhaar van wel 30 cm hoog paradeert ze over het terras.
Het is een combinatie van Patsy uit Abfab, Barbie (zowel uit Cherso als de echte) en Lady Gaga. «Ze komt hier elke dag, maar ik weet niet wie het is», zegt Patricia, terwijl we beiden ongeneerd blijven staren naar het levende kunstwerk. «Ik denk dat zij in fase vier is beland. Wanneer je er alles aan doet om jong te blijven, maar jammerlijk mislukt. Ze brengt haar dagen door met het tonen van jezelf, echt heel triest», zegt Patricia, die zelf ook elke dag op dit terras te vinden is.
Marijke Helwegen
Zo ziet mijn toekomst er dus uit, ik kleed me eerst te goed, dan te slecht, dan zoals het heurt, maar uiteindelijk verlaat mijn man me toch voor en jonger model en eindig ik als Marijke Helwegen. «Nee joh, gekkie. Iedereen is hier gelukkig en geniet van het leven. Je toekomst ziet er stralend uit, maak je geen zorgen!», lacht Patricia. «Ik moet nu gaan. De volgende keer laat ik je de sportscholen en de hipste bars op het strand zien. Je zult zien, je voelt je hier binnen de korste keren thuis»
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