Dutch designer Marga Weimans is known for her crazy shoes and daring designs. She has debuted this year at the Amsterdam Fashion Week and is even nominated for a Dutch Fashion Award.
We see great things for Weimans, who could easely dress Lady Gaga, Madonna or Nicki Minaj (as soon as she has found her fashionfeeling again). So artist, don’t hesitate and give this great Dutch designer a chance.
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door tessa | 22-10-2012 @ 13:24 | Mode, Overig | Comments Off on IN: Winterboots with fur
Your boots must have fur, if you want to be in fashion this winter. Unfotunately, rabbitfur is very popular in the east now, but we prefer fake fur, as no animals are harmed then.
The boots are warm, look nice and qute. So go for it and buy yourself some furry boots!

By the way, don’t take it over the top, as these celebrities do. Have some boots with a touch of fur as a detail, but don’t wear a dead animal as a boot:

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door tessa | 11-07-2012 @ 17:05 | Mode, Overig | Comments Off on IN (London) : Rain boots

While in the south of Europe girls are wondering if they`re gonna wear flipflops or heels outside, the Northern girls are battering the rain. But no worries, even bad weater can create a new fashion item, like the Rain Boots with (wedge) heels. A girlfriend of mine went last week to London and saw them everywhere! Some girls won`t wear them, cause they feel to fashionate for rain boots, but fuck them.
They are fun, easy to walk on and not too expensive. And it`s a great way to put a smile on peoples face, who are depressed by the weather.

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door tessa | 03-07-2012 @ 14:20 | Mode | Comments Off on Summer Fashion: Shoes
So what is the new trend in fashion land for the summer? Loafers! Did we have to walk on Ballet flats last year, with whom you could feel every peddle penetrating your feet, this year the fashion nazi`s want us in shoes even our granddads where ashamed to wear outside the house.
I asked some men about the shoes and they are horrified by them. So I`m sorry girls, no pain, no gain. Men still like to see us on heals or low shoes with straps, so go for shoes more like this:
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