WTF?! Five girls in the audience of DWDD (one of the most popular daily shows of the Netherlands) wear the same blue t-shirt! If only the blue colour would look good on them, I would say: Well done. But NOOO, it doesn’t look good at all! Nice to be friends, but this goes to far. Wear your own outfit!
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door tessa | 11-07-2012 @ 17:05 | Mode, Overig | Comments Off on IN (London) : Rain boots

While in the south of Europe girls are wondering if they`re gonna wear flipflops or heels outside, the Northern girls are battering the rain. But no worries, even bad weater can create a new fashion item, like the Rain Boots with (wedge) heels. A girlfriend of mine went last week to London and saw them everywhere! Some girls won`t wear them, cause they feel to fashionate for rain boots, but fuck them.
They are fun, easy to walk on and not too expensive. And it`s a great way to put a smile on peoples face, who are depressed by the weather.

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